Responsible business for a sustainable world
With safety, health and prevention at the heart of our mission we are committed to translating principles into meaningful actions for the greater benefit of the society.
In November 2014 we donated 20.000 Natural Rubber Latex Examination Gloves to the Gambian non-profit medical institution Africmed. The institution aims at improving the general healthcare needs of the locals and at trying to tackle the menace of infectious diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis and HIV infection while it pays particular attention to sensitive populations like infants, children and women.
Animal Rescue Organization
Within 2014 we also donated more than 50.000 Natural Rubber Latex Examination Gloves to the Animal Rescue Organization (Dierenambulances) assuring the maximum protection of its employees and volunteers. Animal Rescue is part of the Animal Protection (Dierenbescherming) non- profit Organization in The Netherlands and provides first aid to injured and sick animals as well as transporting them to the nearest veterinarian or clinic.
Make an appointment with our sales team
Konnetlaantje 4
The Netherlands