Sempermed® introduces Sempercare® – PURE MPXX™

Budev is proud to announce that Sempermed, one of the worlds most renowed manufacturers of medical gloves, introduced their new examination glove Sempercare® – PURE during Medica 2013. By application of MPXX™ allergens and chemical residues are reduced to unquantifiable levels. 

Newsflash December 2013: Cytotoxicity testing performed on…

“Such results demonstrate the efficiency of MPXX™ treatment and are clearly establishing, for the first time, that it is possible to produce gloves virtually free of chemical residues and hence fight the ever growing irritant contact dermatitis caused by gloves”, states Michiel Paping CEO of Budev BV. Lees meer

Newsflash October 2014

Please visit us at Medica in Hall 5 / G10 and learn more about our revolutionary MPXX™ products.


Erasmus MC Rotterdam extensively tests 10 brands and concludes.

Rotterdam, October 2014 – Surgical gloves, which are sterile products, are available in a variety of materials, colors and specifications and are produced under more than 60 different brand names. There are only a couple of manufacturers worldwide producing these type of gloves and they are different from examination gloves, as they should provide utmost precision and increased sensitivity, two crucial aspects in the operating room. Lees meer