MPXX™ treated gloves: Proven the cleanest gloves on the market
MPXX™ technology was first applied to medical gloves addressing major unmet needs within healthcare, occupational safety and hygiene sectors with unprecedented results: the reduction of natural latex allergens (responsible for type I allergies) to unquantifiable levels and of chemical residues (responsible for type IV allergies) to undetectable levels.
Natural Rubber Latex is usually the preferred material in the medical and healthcare sector due to its physical properties, tactility and dexterity. But natural rubber also has its own inherent problems. It is a fact that 1 to 3% of the world population and even 17% of the medical staff is potentially sensitized to latex.
On the other hand the chemicals used to manufacture both Natural Rubber and Synthetic gloves increased the cases of allergic contact dermatitis (allergy type IV).
Our teams of experts apply our patented purifying technology on both natural and synthetic rubber products allowing you to work with your favourite material placing the risk of type I and type IV allergies to the lowest measurable levels.
Make an appointment with our sales team
Konnetlaantje 4
The Netherlands