Via the links below you can download articles and publications about natural or synthetic rubber, contact dermatitis and allergies, medical gloves and more.
Contact allergy due to glove use a growing problem
In September 2012 the Dutch Dental Tribune published and article titled “Contact allergy due to glove use a growing problem”. Download here the article.
Medical examination gloves, be aware of what you purchase and use!
In April 2012 the Dutch norm institute NEN published an article with the title “Medical examination gloves, be aware of what you purchase and use!”. In this publication the applicable norms are explained and users get detailed information about which features of a glove are important and to what specific points they should pay additional attention. Download here the article.
MPXX gloves certified as Personal Protective Equipment class 3
MPXX gloves are certified as PPE class 3 by notified body SATRA. MPXX gloves offer ultimate protection against chemical permeation. Download here the news report.
Big players starting to recognize allergic contact dermatitis reactions due to glove use
Accelerators play an important role in glove manufacturing. Users have to know that the residues of (these) chemicals could cause allergic contact dermatitis. Budev has the answer. Download here our news report September 2013.
The ultimate surgical glove that combines absolute safety with comfort!
During Medica 2013 we introduce Budexx Surgical treated with MPXX. Following this we have decided to rebrand our existing product portfolio to Budexx examination and Budexx procedure. With the introduction of the MPXX treated surgical gloves our product range is completed. Click here for a download of our newsflash November 2013.
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Konnetlaantje 4
The Netherlands